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MSc. Solomon Ofori


Thesis topic:

The study of changes in wastewater composition during tertiary treatment with respect to water reuse for irrigation


Water, an important resource for human existence is increasingly becoming scarce. Water resources such as rivers, streams, lakes, springs, groundwater, etc. use for potable water distribution and other uses such as irrigation have reduced significantly in quantity. Alternative sources of water for human use are therefore imperative. Wastewater holds a promising prospect of being a viable alternative water source for human activities.


Treated wastewater for reuse (irrigation) as an alternative water source, is key to water sustainability. The study will focus on tertiary treatment of wastewater for possible use in irrigation. Emphasis will be placed on the physico-chemical parameters of the secondary effluent as it goes through the tertiary treatment process and the changes that might occur in the chemical composition.

The quality of the tertiary effluent from the tertiary treatment will be evaluated analytically with regards to irrigation and the possible impacts on crops and soil.

Another area of interest

  • Biological wastewater treatment
  • Biological waste treatment
  • Municipal solid waste and landfill management
  • Biological air purification using biofilters


  • 2019 - present: University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, FTOP, Department of Water technology and Environmental Engineering, Prague-Czech Republic.
  • 2014 – 2017: University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart-Germany.
  • 2009 – 2013: University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast-Ghana.

Participation on teaching:



  • Solomon OforiDavid Kwesi AbebreseAleš KlementDaniel ProvazníkIvana TomáškováIveta RůžičkováJiří Wanner; Impact of treated wastewater on plant growth: leaf fluorescence, reflectance, and biomass-based assessment. Water Sci Technol 2024; wst2024097. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2024.097
  • Ofori, S.; Abebrese, D.K.; Růžičková, I.; Wanner, J. Reuse of Treated Wastewater for Crop Irrigation: Water Suitability, Fertilization Potential, and Impact on Selected Soil Physicochemical PropertiesWater 2024, 16, 484.
  • Solomon Ofori, Prince Chapman Agyeman, Enoch Kwasi Adotey, Iveta Růžičková, Jiří Wanner (2022). Assessing the influence of treated effluent on nutrient enrichment of surface waters using water quality indices and source apportionment. Water Practice & Technology. doi: 10.2166/wpt.2022.081
  • Agyeman, P. C., K. John, N. M. Kebonye, S. Ofori, L. Borůvka, R. Vašát and M. Kočárek (2022). "Ecological risk source distribution, uncertainty analysis, and application of geographically weighted regression cokriging for prediction of potentially toxic elements in agricultural soils." Process Safety and Environmental Protection 164: 729-746.
  • Ofori, S., Puškáčová, A., Růžičková, I., Wanner, J.: Treated wastewater reuse for irrigation: Pros and cons. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 760, 15 March 2021, 144026. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144026


  • Ofori S. and Reiser M (2017). Determination of the Viability of Landfill Gas to Energy in Africa: The Case of Ghana, WASTE International Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany.


Updated: 28.3.2024 11:23, Author: Lucie Pokorná


Prof. Ing. Jiři Wanner, Dr.Sc

Year of inscription:


+420 220 445 127

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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