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Ondřej Beneš

Utilisation of modelling in activated sludge wastewater treatment


Prof. Ing. Jiří Wanner, DrSc.




Together with population growth and industrialisation, wastewater treatment became an international issue with enormous scope. Life quality of billions people is determined by availability of drinking water which in many cases can’t be supplied without treatment of utilised water. Mathematical modelling is a method by it’s own that is capable to determine and keep water quality standards at optimal levels while minimising pollution.

The purpose of this study was to prove to interested auditorium strengths and holes in usage of modelling in activated sludge wastewater treatment. Variety of available models was critically reviewed. Different software packages were examined and respective areas of utilisation recommended.

Other way round, kinetic experiments for determination of biomass kinetic and stoichiometric parameters served as the basis for verification of tested models and their modifications towards maximum reliability. All major groups of tests were simulated – denitrification, nitrification, phosphate release and uptake tests. As a special group, respirometry tests were modelled. New or modified models were proposed and good agreement with broad spectrum of test carried out was achieved.

An extensive study for verification of kinetic and stoichiometric parameters used in literature was carried out. Results proved that methodology of parameters determination strongly influences reliability and reproducibility of results. Inhibition kinetic of different chemical industry products was tested in laboratory scale models and models were used to predict the impact of product on a real wastewater treatment plant. Evaluation of EBPR process on a real wastewater treatment plant was performed using models as a source for further optimisation procedures. New proposed models describing mainly morphological groups of organisms were investigated. Selected model was used and verified both on laboratory scale models and real wastewater treatment plant. Together with evaluation of composition of sludge tested its kinetic parameters were tested. Impacts of provided recommendations were simulated and then verified on full scale.

Aktualizováno: 10.6.2015 16:12, Autor: Lucie Pokorná

Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

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