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Nacházíte se: VŠCHT PrahaFTOPÚstav technologie vody a prostředí  → O ústavu → Členové ústavu → Prof. Ing. Jan Bartáček, Ph.D.

Prof. Ing. Jan Bartáček, Ph.D.

Batracek 4

E-mail: jan.bartacek@vscht.cz
Tel.: +420 220 444 374
Místnost: B 22h
Fax: +420 220 444 305
Web: http://web.vscht.cz/bartacej

Magisterské studium dokončil v roce 2002 a doktorské v roce 2006. Obojí absolvoval na Ústavu technologie vody a prostředí (VŠCHT Praha). V minulých letech působil v post-doktorantských pozicích na Wageningen University (2006 - 2008) a UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (2008 - 2010) v Nizozemsku. Od června 2010 byl odborným asistentem na Ústavu technologie vody a prostředí (VŠCHT Praha). Od června 2015 je docentem.

Zabývá různými procesy recyklace zdrojů z odpaní vody. Jedná se o energeticky pozitivní nebo úsporné procesy (anaerobní fermentace, bioflokulace, nitritace-anammox), recyklaci šedých vod, recyklaci dusíku ve formě N2O, popř. produkci specifických organických látek (ladderány, metanol). Od roku  Od roku 2010 se intenzivně věnuje odstraňování sulfanu z bioplynu pomocí mikroaerace, a to z pohledu technologie, detailního studia mikrobiálního společenství i s využitím matematického modelování. Dále se zabývá studiem vlivu stopových kovů (mikronutrientů) na anaerobní fermentaci v prostředí granulovaného biofilmu a transportem kovů v anaerobním biofilmu.

Výzkumné projekty v posledních letech:

  • REPARES (H2020-EU.4.b.): Research platform on antibiotic resistance spread through wastewater treatment plants. 2019-2022
  • Super-W (The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - European joint doctorate, H2020): Sustainable Product, Energy and Resource Recovery from Wastewater. 2016-2020
  • TH03030408 (TAČR): Modulární technologie pro oddělené čištění šedé vody. 2018-2020
  • GAČR 17-25781S – Fyziologická reakce mikroorganismů anammox na studené šoky: 2017 - 2019

Publikace v posledních 5 letech:

  • Dostálková, A., Zdeňková, K., Bartáčková, J., Čermáková, E., Kapisheva, M., Lopez Marin, M., Kouba, V., Sýkora, P., Chmel, M., Bartoš, O., Dresler, J., Demnerová, K., Rumlová, M. and Bartáček, J. (2024) Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 variants in Prague wastewater determined by nanopore-based sequencing. Chemosphere accepted.
  • Ilic, A., Kouba, V., De Vrieze, J., Du Laing, G., Bartáček, J. 2024. Diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) as a robust and reliable technique to measure bioavailable metals in digestates. Environmental Technology & Innovation accepted.
  • Rutten, S., Ojobe, B., Hernandez Leal, L., de Grooth, J., Roesink, H.D.W., Bartáček, J. and Schmitt, H.  2023.  Evaluation of Membrane Integrity Monitoring Methods for Hollow Fiber Nanofiltration Membranes:  Applicability in Gray Water Reclamation Systems. ACS EST Water accepted.
  • Teixeira, A.M., Vaz-Moreira, I., Calderón-Franco, D., Weissbrodt, D., Purkrtová, S., Gajdoš, S., Dottorini, G., Nielsen, P.H., Khalifa, L., Cytryn, E., Bartáček, J., Manaia, C.M. 2023. Candidate biomarkers of antibiotic resistance for the monitoring of wastewater and the downstream environment. Water Research accepted
  • Karmann, C., Mágrová, A., Jeníček, P., Bartáček, J. and Kouba, V.  2023.  Advances in nitrogen removal and recovery technologies from reject water: economic and environmental perspectives. Bioresour. Technol. accepted
  • Bartackova, J., Kouba, V., Dostalkova, A., Čermáková, E., Lopez Marin, M.A., Chmel, M., Milanová, M., Demnerová, K., Rumlová, M., Sýkora, P., Bartáček, J. and Zdeňková, K.  2023.  Monitoring of monkeypox viral DNA in Prague wastewater. Sci. Total Environ. accepted.
  • Zdenkova, K., J. Bartackova, E. Cermakova, K. Demnerova, A. Dostalkova, V. Janda, J. Jarkovsky, M. A. Lopez Marin, Z. Novakova, M. Rumlova, J. R. Ambrozova, K. Skodakova, I. Swierczkova, P. Sykora, D. Vejmelkova, J. Wanner and J. Bartacek (2022). "Monitoring COVID-19 spread in Prague local neighborhoods based on the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater collected throughout the sewer network." Water Research 216: 118343.
  • Andreides, M., P. Dolejš and J. Bartáček (2022). "The prediction of WWTP influent characteristics: Good practices and challenges." Journal of Water Process Engineering 49: 103009.
  • Kouba, V., Hůrková, K., Navrátilová, K., Vejmelková, D., Benáková, A., Laureni, M., Vodičková, P., Podzimek, T., Lipovová, P., van Niftrik, L., Hajšlová, J., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Weissbrodt, D.G. and Bartacek, J.  2022.  On anammox activity at low temperature: effect of ladderane composition and process conditions Chem. Eng. J. accepted.
  • Kouba, V., Hurkova, K., Navratilova, K., Vejmelkova, D., Benakova, A., Laureni, M., Vodickova, P., Podzimek, T., Lipovova, P., van Niftrik, L., Hajslova, J., van Loosdrecht, M.C., Weissbrodt, D.G., Bartacek, J. 2022. Effect of temperature on the compositions of ladderane lipids in globally surveyed anammox populations. Science of the total environment, accepted.
  • Kouba, V., Vejmelkova, D., Zwolsman, E., Hurkova, K., Navratilova, K., Laureni, M., Vodickova, P., Podzimek, T., Hajslova, J., Pabst, M., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Bartacek, J., Lipovova, P. and Weissbrodt, D.G.  2021.  Adaptation of anammox bacteria to low temperature via gradual acclimation and cold shocks: distinctions in protein expression, membrane composition, and activities. Water Research, accepted.
  • Andreides, M.; Pokorná-Krayzelová, L.; Bartáčková, J.; Bartáček, J., 2021. Stirring-based control strategy for microaerobic H2S removal in sequencing batch anaerobic digesters. Fuel 306. 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121696
  • Paulu, A.; Bartáček, J.; Šerešová, M.; Kočí, V., 2021. Combining process modeling and LCA to assess the environmental impacts of wastewater treatment innovations. Water (Switzerland) 13(9). 10.3390/w13091246
  • Photocatalytic Removal of Pharmaceuticals from Greywater (2021): B. Ojobe, R. Zouzelka, B. Satkova,  M. Vagnerova, A. Nemeskalova, M. Kuchar, J. Bartacek, J. Rathousky. Catalyst 11 (9)
  • Kamila Zdenkova, Jana Bartackova, Eliska Cermakova, Katerina Demnerova, Alzbeta Dostalkova, Vaclav Janda, Zuzana Novakova, Michaela Rumlova, Jana Rihova Ambrozova, Klara Skodakova, Iva Swierczkova, Petr Sykora, Dana Vejmelkova, Jiri Wanner, Jan Bartacek (2021). "Monitoring COVID-19 spread in Prague local neighborhoods based on the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater collected throughout the sewer network." medRxiv: 2021.2007.2028.21261272.
  • Vojtech Kouba, Juan Camilo Gerlein, Andrea Benakova, Marco Antonio Lopez Marin, Eva Rysava, Dana Vejmelkova & Jan Bartacek (2021) Adaptation of flocculent anammox culture to low temperature by cold shock: long-term response of the microbial population, Environmental Technology, DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2021.1950842
  • Andreides M, Pokorná-Krayzelová L, Říhová Ambrožová J, Volcke EIP, Bartáček J. Key parameters influencing hydrogen sulfide removal in microaerobic sequencing batch reactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2021;168.
  • Tobo, Y. M.; Bartacek, J.; Nopens, I., Linking CFD and kinetic models in anaerobic digestion using a compartmental model approach. Process. 2020, 8 (6).
  • Tobo, Y. M.; Rehman, U.; Bartacek, J.; Nopens, I., Partial integration of ADM1 into CFD: Understanding the impact of diffusion on anaerobic digestion mixing. Water Sci. Technol. 2020, 81 (8), 1658-1667.
  • Valdés, F.; Camiloti, P. R.; Bartacek, J.; Torres-Aravena, Á.; Toledo-Alarcón, J.; Zaiat, M.; Jeison, D., Micro-oxygenation in upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactors using a silicon membrane for sulfide oxidation. Polym. 2020, 12 (9), 1-11.
  • Dolejš, P., Varga, Z., Luza, B., Pícha, A., Jeníček, P., Bartáček. J. (2019). "Maximizing energy recovery from wastewater via bioflocculation-enhanced primary treatment: A pilot-scale study." Environmental Technology: 1-30.
  • Kouba, V., Svehla, P., Catrysse, M., Prochazkova, L., Radechovska, H., Jenicek, P. and Bartacek, J. (2019) How biomass growth mode affects ammonium oxidation start-up and NOB inhibition in the partial nitritation of cold and diluted reject water. Environmental Technology (United Kingdom) 40(6), 673-682.
  • Wyman, V., Serrano, A., Borja, R., Jiménez, A., Carvajal, A., Lenz, M., Bartacek, J. and Fermoso, F.G. (2019) Effects of barium on the pathways of anaerobic digestion. Journal of Environmental Management 232, 397-403.
  • Vital, B., Bartacek, J., Ortega-Bravo, J.C. and Jeison, D. (2018) Treatment of acid mine drainage by forward osmosis: Heavy metal rejection and reverse flux of draw solution constituents. Chemical Engineering Journal 332, 85-91.
  • Meier, L., Stará, D., Bartacek, J. and Jeison, D. (2018) Removal of H2S by a continuous microalgae-based photosynthetic biogas upgrading process. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 119, 65-68.
  • Pokorna-Krayzelova, L., Vejmelková, D., Selan, L., Jenicek, P., Volcke, E.I.P. and Bartacek, J. (2018) Final products and kinetics of biochemical and chemical sulfide oxidation under microaerobic conditions. Water Science and Technology 78(9), 1916-1924.
  • Kouba, V.; Darmal, R.; Vejmelkova, D.; Jenicek, P.; Bartacek, J., Cold shocks of anammox biofilm stimulate nitrogen removal at low temperatures. Biotechnology progress, 34(1), 277-281.
  • Camiloti, P.R., Valdés, F., Delforno, T.P., Bartacek, J., Zaiat, M., Jeison, D. 2018. A membrane aerated biofilm reactor for sulfide control from anaerobically treated wastewater. Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 1-10.
  • Pokorna-Krayzelova L., Bartacek J., Theuri S.N., Segura Gonzales C.A., Prochazka J., Volcke E.I.P., Jenicek P. 2018: Microaeration through a biomembrane for biogas desulfurization: lab-scale and pilot-scale experiences. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. DOI: 10.1039/c8ew00232k
  • Dolejs P., El Tayar G., Vejmelkova D., Pecenka M., Polaskova M., Bartacek J. 2018: Psychrophilic anaerobic treatment of sewage: Biomethane potential, kinetics and importance of inoculum selection. Journal of Cleaner Production 199, 93-100, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.07.134
  • Capson-Tojo, G., Torres, A., Muñoz, R., Bartacek, J., Jeison, D. 2017 Mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of lipid-extracted microalgae N. gaditana for methane production Renewable Energy 105, 539-546
  • Vital, B., Bartacek, J., Ortega-Bravo, , JC., Jeison, D. 2017 Treatment of acid mine drainage by forward osmosis: Heavy metal rejection and reverse flux of draw solution constituents Chemical Engineering Journal 332, 85-91
  • Kouba, V., Svehla, P., Catrysse, M., Prochazkova, L., Hrncirova, H., Jenicek, P., Bartacek, J. 2017. How biomass growth mode affects ammonium oxidation start-up and NOB inhibition in partial nitritation of cold and diluted reject water. Environ Technol, ahead of print.
  • Kouba, V.; Darmal, R.; Vejmelkova, D.; Jenicek, P.; Bartacek, J., Cold shocks of anammox biofilm stimulate nitrogen removal at low temperatures Biotechnol Prog 2017, ahead of print.
  • Kouba, V., Proksova E., Wiesinger H., Vejmelkova D., Bartacek, J. 2017. Good servant, bad master: Sulfide influence on partial nitritation of sewage. Water Sci Technol, ahead of print.
  • Kouba, V., Vejmelkova D., Proksova E., Wiesinger H., Concha M., Dolejs P., Hejnic J., Jenicek P., Bartacek, J. 2017. High-rate partial nitritation of municipal wastewater after psychrophilic anaerobic pre-treatment. Environ Sci Technol, ahead of print
  • P. Jeníček, J. Horejš, L. Pokorná-Krayzelová, J. Bindzar, J. Bartáček. Simple biogas desulfurization by microaeration – Full scale experience. Anaerobe (In Press, Accepted Manuscript). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anaerobe.2017.01.002
  • Hejnic Jakub, Dolejs Petr, Kouba Vojtech, Prudilova Andrea, Widiayuningrum Patria and Bartacek Jan. Comparing Anaerobic Treatment of Sewage at 15 °C Using UASB Reactor and Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor. Environmental Engineering Science. Volume 33, Number 11, doi: 10.1089/ees.2016.0163, ahead of print.
  • Dolejs Petr, Gotvald Robert, Velazquez Aida M.L., Hejnic Jakub, Jenicek Pavel, and Bartacek Jan. Contact Stabilization with Enhanced Accumulation Process for Energy Recovery from Sewage. Environmental Engineering Science. August 2016, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/ees.2016.0155.
  • Kouba, V., Widiayuningrum, P., Chovancova, L., Jenicek, P., Bartacek, J. 2016. Applicability of one-stage partial nitritation and anammox in MBBR for anaerobically pre-treated municipal wastewater. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1-11.
  • Dolejs, P., Paclík, L., Maca, J., Pokorna, D., Zabranska, J., Bartacek, J. 2015. Effect of S/N ratio on sulfide removal by autotrophic denitrification. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99, 2383–2392.
  • Krayzelova, L., Bartacek, J., Díaz, I., Jeison, D., Volcke, E.I.P., Jenicek, P. 2015. Microaeration for hydrogen sulfide removal during anaerobic treatment: a review. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology, 14(4), 703-725.
  • Pacek, L., Svehla, P., Bartacek, J., Radechovsky, J., Hrncirova, H., Shejbalova, S., Balik, J., Jenicek, P. 2015. Direct and indirect effects of oxygen limitation on nitrification process applied to reject water treatment. Desalination and Water Treatment, 56(3), 598-607.
  • Svehla, P., Radechovsky, J., Hrncirova, H., Pacek, L., Bartacek, J. 2015. Effect of influent nitrogen concentration on feasibility of short-cut nitrification during wastewater treatment in activated sludge systems. Chemical Papers, 69(7), 921-929.
  • Kouba, V., Catrysse, M., Stryjova, H., Jonatova, I., Volcke, E.I.P., Svehla, P., Bartacek, J. 2014. The impact of influent total ammonium nitrogen concentration on nitrite-oxidizing bacteria inhibition in moving bed biofilm reactor. Water Science and Technology, 69(6), 1227-1233.
  • Krayzelova, L., Kolesarova, N., Bartacek, J., Jenicek, P. 2014a. Microaeration for hydrogen sulfide removal in UASB reactor. Bioresource Technology, 172, 297-302.
  • Krayzelova, L., Lynn, T.J., Banihani, Q., Bartacek, J., Jenicek, P., Ergas, S.J. 2014b. A Tire-Sulfur Hybrid Adsorption Denitrification (T-SHAD) process for decentralized wastewater treatment. Water Research, 61, 191-199.
  • Podzimek, T., Bartacek, J. 2014. Použití jednobuněčných řas jako substrát pro výrobu bioplynu. Bioprospect, 24(4), 101 - 103.
  • Svehla, P., Bartacek, J., Pacek, L., Hrncirova, H., Radechovsky, J., Hanc, A., Jenicek, P. 2014. Inhibition effect of free ammonia and free nitrous acid on nitrite-oxidising bacteria during sludge liquor treatment: Influence of feeding strategy. Chemical Papers, 68(7), 871-878.

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