Výzkumné projekty:
- H2020 Wider Uptake: Používání chytrých řešení ve vodním hospodářstvíhttps://wider-uptake.webnode.cz/, 2020-2024. J. Wanner, I. Růžičková, M. Pečenka, A. Puškáčová, L. Miklíková, S. Ofori
- 2019 – 2021: Nanotechnology for the reduction of ecosystems by phosphorus. TH04030202, Technological agency of Czech Republic.
- 2018 – 2020: Wastewater recyclation for use in the water management of cities of the future. TH03030080, Technological agency of Czech Republic.
- 2014 – 2017: Innovative method of wastewater treatment with the aim to obtain nutrients in a pure form. A04020217, Technological agency of Czech Republic.
- 2014 – 2017: Complex approach to the reduction of nutrient load in catchmentt area of drining water reservoir Švihov. TA04021421, Technological agency of Czech Republic.
- 2006 – 2009: řešitel projektu Vedení Evropské asociace pro vodu (EWA) a organizace přenosu a výměny informací a znalostí, INGO LA279, zadavatel MŠMT ČR
- 2001 – 2003: koordinátor za ČR ve společném projektu VŠCHT a TU Mnichov Foam and scum in biological wastewater treatment, projekt financovaný z prostředků Spolkového ministerstva pro vzdělání a výzkum (SRN)
- 1999 – 2003: národní koordinátor projektu COST 624 Optimal wastewater management
- 1998 – 2002: národní koordinátor projektu z prostředků DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) a ATV-DVWK (SRN) Knowledge and technology transfer in wastewater and waste from Germany to the Czech Republic, Hungary ana Poland
- 1998 – 2001: řešitel projektu EU INCO COPERNICUS “AQUABIOTEC“ za ČR (další řešitelské státy D, DK, HU, RUS)
- 1995 – 1998: řešitel projektu Use of gene probes and microprobes in environment and medicine; Körberova nadace (další řešitelské státy D a DK)
- 1993 – 1998: národní koordinátor projektu COST 686 Integrated wastewater management
- 1993 – 1996: člen řídicího výboru projektu EU ENVIRONMENT Řízení bytnění a biologických pěn v aktivačních čistírnách s biologickým odstraňováním nutrientů (projekt D, DK, NL a GR)
- 1991 – 1998: řešitel v projektu VŠCHT a TU Mnichov z prostředků Spolkového ministerstva pro vzdělání a výzkum (SRN) Snižování zbytkového organického znečištění v odtocích biologických čistíren odpadních vod
Publikace :
- Rosetti, S., Tandoi, V., Wanner, J. (2017) Activated sludge separation problems: Theory, control measures, practical experiences. IWA Publishing, London. ISBN 978-1-78040-863-7.
- Jenkins D., Wanner J. (2014) Activated Sludge - 100 Years and Counting. IWA Publishing, London. ISBN 9781780404936
- Dolejš M., Jásek J.,Kynčl R., Sýkora P., Šejnoha J., Šenberger T., Wanner J. (2017) Old Wastewater Treatment Plant Praha-Bubeneč 1906. Tovarna o.p.s.
- Chudoba J., Dohányos M., Wanner J. (1991) Biologické čištění odpadních vod. SNTL, Praha. Wanner J. (1994) Activated Sludge Bulking and Foaming Control. Technomic Publ. Co., Inc., Lancaster, PA, USA., pages 324.
- Wanner J. (1997) Microbial Population Dynamics in Biological Wastewater Treatment Plants. In: Microbial Community Analysis: The Key to the Design of Biological Wastewater Treatment Plants. T. E. Cloete and N. Y. O. Muyima, Scientific and Technical Report No. 5, IAWQ, London, pp. 35-60.
- Wanner J. (1998) Process Theory: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Kinetics, and Activated Sludge Quality Control. Chapter 1. In: Activated Sludge Process Design and Control: Theory and Practice. W. W. Eckenfelder, Technomic Publ. Co., Inc., Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 1-57.
- Wanner J. (2000) Activated Sludge Bulking and Foaming Control (In Japanese). Technomic Publishing Co. through Tuttle-Mori Agency, Inc., Tokyo Giho-do Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. ISBN 4-7655-3169-4. Wanner J., Růžičková I., Krhůtková O., Beneš O. (2000) Biological control of wastewater treatment (In Czech). AČE ČR Brno, CZ, pages 80 and CD-ROM. ISBN 80-238-5456-9.
- Wanner J. (2002) Control of Filamentous Bulking in Activated Sludge. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology, Gabriel Bitton ed., vol. 3, pp. 1306-1315, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, USA. ISBN 0-471-36048-1.
- Tandoi V., Jenkins D., Wanner J. (2006) Activated Sludge Separation Problems: Theory, Control Measures, Practical Experiences. Scientific and Technical Report No. 16, IWA Publishing Co., London, UK. ISBN 1900222841.
- Wanner J., Kragelund C., Nielsen P. H. (2010) Microbiology of bulking. Chapter 7, pp. 191 –214, IN: Microbial Ecology of Activated Sludge Editors: Robert Seviour & Per H. Nielsen, IWA Publishing, London, UK. ISBN 9781843390329.
- Wanner, J., Rosický, J., Kovařík, J., Srb, M., Lánský, M., Sýkora, P.(2020). "Commissioning of the new water line of the Central wastewater treatment plant in Prague and its impact on the operation of the existing water line." Water Science and Technology 84(2): 293-301.
- Ofori, S., Puškáčová, A., Růžičková, I., Wanner, J.: Treated wastewater reuse for irrigation: Pros and cons. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 760, 15 March 2021, 144026. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144026
- Diaz-Sosa V.R., Tapia-Salazar M., Wanner J. and Cradenas-Chavez D.L. 2020. Monitoring and Ecotoxicity Assessment of Emerging Contaminants in Wastewater Discharge in the City of Prague (Czech Republic). Water, 12(4), 1079.
- Rosetti, S., Tandoi, V., Wanner, J. (2017) Activated sludge separation problems: Theory, control measures, practical experiences. IWA Publishing, London. ISBN 978-1-78040-863-7.
- Benáková, A., Johanidesová, I., Kelbich, P., Pospíšil, V., Wanner, J. (2018): The increase of process stability in removing ammonia nitrogen from wastewater. Water Science and Technology 77 (6), pp 1483-1492. Available Online 20 March 2018, wst2018135; DOI: 10.2166/wst.2018.135
- Vojtěchovská Šrámková, M., et al. (2018). "Experimental verification of tertiary treatment process in achieving effluent quality required by wastewater reuse standards." Journal of Water Process Engineering 22: 41-45.
- Wanner, J.; Ruzickova, I.; Benakova, A.: Filamentous microorganisms in activated sludge process. 2017. 6th International Symposium on Biosorption and Biodegradation /Bioremediation (BioBio) Location: Prague, Czech Republic. 25-29. 6. Pp: 55-59
- Sykorova, E.; Wanner, J.; Benes, O.(2014) Analysis of Phosphorus Recovery by Struvite Precipitation from Sludge Water in Selected Wastewater Treatment Plants. CHEMICKE LISTY Volume: 108 (6), pp 610-614.
- Prochazkova, L., Rodriguez-Munoz, Y., Prochazka, J. (2014) Simple spectrophotometric method for determination of polyvinylalcohol in different types of wastewater. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 94 (4), pp.399-410
- Dvorak, L., Svojitka, J., Wanner, J. (2013) Nitrification performance in a membrane bioreactor treating industrial wastewater WATER RESEARCH 47 13 pp. 4412-4421
- Benakova, A.; Wanner, J. (2013) Application of fluorescence in situ hybridization for the study and characterization of nitrifying bacteria in nitrifying/denitrifying wastewater treatment plants ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY 34 (16), pp. 2415-2422
- Vackova, L., Stloukal, R. Wanner, J. (2012) Determination of low concentration of Paracoccus denitrificans encapsulated in polyvinyl alcohol LentiKat's pellets APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 94 (5), pp. 1359-1364
- Vackova, L.; Stloukal, R.; Wanner, J. (2012) The possibility of using encapsulated nitrifiers for treatment of reject water coming from anaerobic digestion WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume 65 (8), pp. 1428-1434
- Vackova, L., Srb, M., Stloukal, R., Wanner J. (2011) Comparison of denitrification at low temperature using encapsulated Paracoccus denitrificans, Pseudomonas fluorescens and mixed culture BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY 102 (7), pp. 4661-4666
- Kragelund, C., Remesova, Z. Nielsen, J. L., Wanner J. (2007) Ecophysiology of mycolic acid-containing Actinobacteria (Mycolata) in activated sludge foams FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY Volume 61 (1) pp. 174-184
- Wanner J., Kucman K., Ottová V., Grau P. (1987) Effect of anaerobic conditions on activated sludge filamentous bulking in laboratory systems. Wat. Res., 21, 12, pp. 1541-1546.
- Wanner J., Kucman K., Grau P. (1988) Activated sludge process combined with biofilm cultivation. Wat. Res., 22, 2, pp. 207-215.
- Wanner J., Grau P. (1989) Identification of filamentous microorganisms from activated sludge: A compromise between wishes, needs and possibilities. Wat. Res., 23, 7, pp. 883-891.
- Wanner J., Kos M., Grau P. (1990) An innovate technology for upgrading nutrient removal activated sludge plants. Wat. Sci. Tech., 22, 7/8, pp. 9-20.
- Kos M., Wanner J., Šorm I., Grau P. (1992) R-D-N activated sludge process. Wat. Sci. Tech., 25, 4/5, pp. 151-160.
- Wanner J., Čech S., Kos M. (1992) New process design for biological nutrient removal. Wat. Sci. Tech., 25, 4/5, pp. 445-448.
- Wanner J. (1992) Comparison of biocenoses from continuous and sequencing batch reactors. Wat. Sci. Tech., 25, 6, pp. 239-249.
- Novak L., Larrea L., Wanner J., Garcia-Heras J. L. (1993) Non- filamentous bulking in a laboratory scale system. Wat. Res., 27, 8, pp. 1339-1346.
- Wanner J. (1994) The implementation of bulking control in the design of activated sludge plants. Wat. Sci. Tech., 29, 7, pp. 193-202.
- Wanner J. (1995) Activated sludge population dynamics. Wat. Sci. Tech., 30, 11, pp. 159-169.
- Šorm R., Bortone G., Saltarelli R., Jeníček P., Wanner J. (1996) Phosphate uptake under anoxic conditions and fixed-film nitrification in nutrient removal activated sludge system. Wat. Res., 30, 7, pp. 1573-1584.
- Bortone G., Saltarelli R., Alonso V., Šorm R., Wanner J., Tilche A. (1996) Biological anoxic phosphorus removal - The DEPHANOX process. Wat. Sci. Tech., 34, 1/2, pp. 119-128.
- Šorm R., Wanner J., Saltarelli R., Bortone G., Tilche A. (1997) Verification of anoxic phosphate uptake as the main biochemical mechanism of the “DEPHANOX“ process, Wat. Sci. Tech., 35, 10, pp. 87-94.
- Novák L., Goronszy M., Wanner J. (1997) Dynamic mathematical modelling of sequencing batch reactors with aerated and mixed filling period, Wat. Sci. Tech., 35, 1, pp. 150-162.
- Wanner J. (1998) Stable foams and sludge bulking: The largest remaining problems. J. Inst. Water and Environ. Manage., 12, 5, pp. 368-374.
- Bortone G., Marsili Libelli S., Tilche A., Wanner J. (1999) Anoxic phosphate uptake in the DEPHANOX process. Wat. Sci. Tech., 40, 4/5, pp. 177-185.
- Schramm A., Santegoeds C. M., Nielsen H. K., Ploug H., Wagner M., Přibyl M., Wanner J., Amann R., de Beer D. (1999) On the occurrence of anoxic microniches, denitrification, and sulfate reduction in aerated activated sludge. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 65, 9, pp. 4189-4196.
- Wanner J., Růžičková I., Krhůtková O., Přibyl M. (2000) Activated sludge population dynamics and wastewater treatment plant design and operation. Wat. Sci. Tech., 41, 9, pp. 217-225.
- Maszenan, A.-M., Seviour R. J., Patel B. K. C., Wanner J. (2000) A fluorescently-labelled r-RNA targeted oligonucleotide probe for the in situ detection of G-bacteria of the genus Amaricoccus in activated sludge. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 88, pp. 826-835.
- Fiala M., Váňa M., Wanner J., Švec P. (2000) Inhibition of wastewater treatment processes by industrial wastewater – a case study from the Czech Republic. European Water Management, 3, 5, pp. 19-22.
- Krhutkova O., Ruzickova I., Wanner J. (2002) Microbial evaluation of activated sludge and filamentous population at eight Czech nutrient removal activated sludge plants during year 2000, Wat. Sci. Tech., 46, 1/2, pp. 471-478.
- Hladikova K., Ruzickova I., Klucova P., Wanner J. (2002) An investigation into studying of the activated sludge foaming potential by using physicochemical parameters, Wat. Sci. Tech., 46, 1/2, pp. 525-528.
- Ruzickova I., Lansky M., Soukup B., Wanner J. (2004) Effect of enzyme additive dosing on the stable biological foam formation, Water Intelligence Online, Vol. 3, August 2004. ISSN 1476-1777.
- Spevackova L., Ruzickova I., Wanner J. (2004) Viscosity versus activated sludge and biological foam, Water Intelligence Online, Vol. 3, August 2004. ISSN 1476-1777.
- Lansky M., Ruzickova I., Benakova A., Wanner J. (2005) Effect of coagulant dosing on physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of activated sludge and foam formation, Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol., 33, 3, pp. 266-269. • Krhůtková O., Denis N., Wanner J. (2005) Screening of filamentous microorganisms in activated sludge plants. Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol., 33, 3, pp. 270-274.
- Raszka A., Chorvatova M., Wanner J. (2006) The role and significance of extracellular polymers in activated sludge. Part I: Literature review. Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol., 34, 5, pp. 411 – 424. ISSN 0323-4320.
- Krhutkova O., Novak L., Pachmanova L., Benakova A., Wanner J., Kos M. (2006) In situ bioaugmentation of nitrification in the regeneration zone: practical application and experiences at full-scale plants. Water Science and Technology, 53, 12, pp. 39 – 46. ISSN 0273-1223.
- Parker D. S., Wanner J. (2007) Review of methods for improving nitrification through bioaugmentation. Water Practice, vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 1 – 16, doi: 10.2175/193317707X256964. ISSN 1933-1770.
- Jobbagy A., Tardy G. M., Palko Gy., Benakova A., Krhutkova O., Wanner J. (2008) Savings with upgraded performance through improved activated sludge denitrification in the combined activated sludge–biofilter system of the Southpest Wastewater Treatment Plant. Water Science and Technology, 57, 8, pp. 1287 – 1293. ISSN 0273-1223.
- Wanner J., Kos M., Novák L. (2009) Intensification of Prague Central WWTP - Ten years of practical experiences with the in-situ bioaugmentation nitrification method. Water Practice and Technology © IWA Publishing 2009, doi:10.2166/wpt.2009.016.
Citační ohlas: h-index = 24
Vzory, patenty
- Johanidesová, I., Wanner J., Boráň, J., Houdková, L., Chládková, H. (2018) Zařízení pro získávání nutrientů, zejména fosforu, z odpadních vod (Equipment for extracting nutrients, especially phosphorus, from waste water). Užitný vzor č. 31516.
- Srb M., Wanner J., Kolár M. (2010) Způsob automatického řízení přerušované aerace v aktivačním procesu čistíren odpadních vod. Patent č. 301 935.
- Miroslav Bajorek M., Wanner J., Novotný P. (2009) Aerační tryska, zejména pro aeraci a míchání nádrží aerobní termofilní stabilizace a hygienizace kalů z čistíren odpadních vod. Užitný vzor č. 20085.
- Novák L., Wanner J., Kos. M. (2003) Způsob zvýšení nitrifikační kapacity aktivačního procesu biologického čištění odpadních vod. Patent č. 291 489.
- Srb M., Wanner J., Kolár M. (2010) Způsob automatického řízení přerušované aerace v aktivačním procesu čistíren odpadních vod. Patent č. 301 935.