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MSc. David Janák


Thesis topic:

The detection, quantification and separation methods of picoplankton


The increasing intensification of agriculture, focused mainly on the highest possible yields of agricultural crops, has often brought about the unscrupulous application of synthetic fertilizers on agricultural land. Chemical compounds from these fertilizers, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, enter water bodies, especially during precipitation. Among other things, effluents from wastewater treatment plants also contribute to the enrichment of water bodies with phosphorus and nitrogen compounds. Water bodies with high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus, and due to climate change with ever-increasing water temperature, are an ideal place for the life of picoplankton organisms. Picoplankton organisms with their metabolites can significantly impede the adaptability of raw water to drinking water or possibly avoid the use of water bodies for recreational purposes.


This dissertation will focus on picoplankton organisms (especially cyanobacteria), which are currently playing an increasingly important role in aquatic ecosystems. The work will focus on the real evaluation of water samples from water or recreational reservoirs with the occurrence of picoplankton cyanobacteria. New methods for the detection and quantification of picoplankton organisms will be developed. The picoplankton representatives present will be detected by microscopic methods (light, fluorescence, epifluorescence, in situ hybridization). Using molecular biology methods (PCR, RT-PCR, etc.), the presence of genes responsible for organoleptic defects (geosmin production, 2-MIB, etc.) or cyanotoxin production will be detected. Alternatively, the issue of water supply technologies suitable for the effective elimination of these small microorganisms will be addressed.


  • 2021 - present: ICT Prague, FTOP, Department of Water technology and environmental engineering, Ph.D. Student
  • 2019 – 2021 ICT Prague, FTOP, Department of Water technology and environmental engineering, diploma thesis: “The detection and distribution of somatic coliphages in waters“
  • 2015 – 2019 ICT Prague, FTOP, bachelor thesis: “Nitrogen balance at municipal waste water treatment plant “

Participation on teaching



  • Zuzakova, J., Janak, D. and Rihova Ambrozova, J. Concentration and enumeration methods of somatic coliphages in water samples. Water management technical-economic information, 2021, (63), No. 1, pp. 6-13.

Conference papers/Posters:

  • Janak D., Zuzakova J., Rihova Ambrozova J.. Determination of somatic coliphages and concentration methods used for water samples with their low occurrence, Microbiology of water and environment 2021, 9.-11.6.2021, hotel Kamzik, Mala Moravka. 
  • Janak D., Zuzakova J., Rihova Ambrozova J.. Comparison of alternative and classical cultivation methods for detection of somatic coliphages, Water treatment biology 2021,
    10.-11.2.2021, Olympic hotel, Prague.


Updated: 11.10.2021 14:51, Author: Lucie Pokorná


doc.RNDr. Jana Říhová Ambrožová, Ph.D.

Year of inscription:



B 22a


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