E-mail: | Pavla.Smejkalova@vscht.cz |
Phone: | +420 220 443 832 |
Fax: | +420 220 443 154 |
Room: | B 22g |
- 1994 – MSc. degree from the Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague
- 1998 – PhD. degree from the Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague (Anaerobic biodegradability tests of organic compounds)
- 2004 – 2005 researcher, Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, CZ
- 2006 - Assistant professor, Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, CZ
The development of technologies for the elimination of the introduction of micropollutants (pesticides, drug residues, antibiotic resistance genes, etc.) into drinking water and the environment.
A study of anaerobic degradability of elected compounds and materials which cause environmental problems by their production volume, toxic impact or resistance to other treatment technologies and optimization of method for anaerobic degradability and energy potential assessment of these matherials.
The development of degradable bioplastics.
- Cai Z., Čadek D., Šmejkalová P., Kadeřábková A., Nová, M., Kuta A.: The Modification of Properties of Thermoplastic Starch Materials: Combining Potato Starch with Natural Rubber and Epoxidized Natural Rubber. Materials Today Communications 26, 1-11, 2021
- Pacholská T., Šmejkalová P., Nováková Z.: Odstraňovanie pesticídnych látok z pitnej vody pomocou pokročilých oxidačních procesov. Sovak 9, 26-30, 2020
- Šmejkalová P., Kužníková V., Merna J., Hermanová S.: Anaerobic digestion of aliphatic polyesters. Wat. Sci. Tech. 73 (10) pp. 2386-2393, 2016
- Hermanová S., Šmejkalová P., Merna J., Zarevúcka M.: Biodegradation of waste PET based copolyesters in thermophilic anaerobic sludge. Polym. degrad. Stabil., 111, pp. 176 - 184, 2015
- Turečková J., Prokopová I., Niklová P., Šimek J., Šmejkalová P., Keclík F.: Biodegradable copolyester/starch blends and their mechanical properties, wettability, biodegradation course. Polimery, pp. 639 – 643, 2008, ISSN 0032-2725
- Keclík F., Šmejkalová P., Prokopová I., Hyniová Z.: Rozložitelnost poly(ethylentereftalát-co-laktátu) v anaerobním prostředí. Konf. Kaly a odpady 2008, pp. 160 – 167, Bratislava 2008
- Prokopová I., Hyniová Z., Šmejkalová P., Keclík F: PET scrap – possible base material for biodegradable polymers. Proc. 12th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, pp. 299 – 304, 5. – 7. 6. 2008, Ostrava
- Jeníček P., Šmejkalová P., Pokorná D., Zábranská J., Dohányos M.: The improvement of anaerobic digestion efficiency by microaerobic sulphide removal - full scale experience. CD-proc. of 11 th Int. Conf. on Anaerobic Digestion, 2007, Brisbane
- Prokopová I., Hyniová Z., Šmejkalová P., Keclík F.: Biodegradation of polyesters with aromatic structural units under anaerobic conditions. Proc. European polymer congress EPF, 2. – 6. 7. 2007, Portorož, Slovenia 2007
- Turečková J., Prokopová I., Niklová P., Šimek J., Šmejkalová P., Keclík F.: Copolyester/starch blends, their wetting behaviour and biodegradability. Proc. Symp. Materialy Polimerowe Pomerania-Plast 2007, p. 213. 23. - 25. 5. 2007 Szczecin-Kolobrzeg, ISBN 978-83-7457-033-6
- Prokopová I., Hyniová Z., Šmejkalová P., Keclík F.: Anaerobní biologická rozložitelnost aromaticko-alifatického kopolyesteru. Sb. 16. konf. APROCHEM 2007, 2128 – 2132, 16. - 18. 4. 2007 Milovy - Sněžné n. M., ISBN 978-80-02-01892-6
- Jeníček P., Šmejkalová P., Pokorná D., Zábranská J.: Activity of sulphur cycle bakteria in anaerobic digestion. Proc. IWA Specialized Conference – Sustainable sludge management : state of the art, challenges and perspectives, 449 – 453, Moskow, 29. - 31. 5. 2006
- Jeníček P., Šmejkalová P., Zábranská J., Dohányos M., Horejš J., Kutil V.: Mikroaerace – ekonomická metoda odsiřování bioplynu. Vodní hospodářství 11, 331 - 333, 2005
- Jeníček P., Šmejkalová P., Horecký P.: Biological micro-aerobic sulphide oxidation and specific biomass activity. Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste, 31. 8. – 2. 9. 2005, Copenhagen