E-mail: | jiri.wanner@vscht.cz |
Phone: | +420 220 443 149 |
Room: | B 111 |
Fax.: | +420 220 444305 |
- 2000 – DrSc. – specialisation in Water technology
- 1994 – Prof. – specialisation in Water technology
- 1991 – habilitation as Assoc. prof. – specialisation in Water technology
- 1988 – Charles University, PhD in English language
- 1987 – appointed as Assoc. prof. – specialisation in Water technology
- 1987 – CSc. – specialisation in Water technology
- 1977 – ICT Prague, specialisation in Water technology
- 1995 – now, professor, ICT Prague, Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering
- 1987 – 1994, associate professor, ICT Prague, Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering
- 1981 – 1987, lecturer, ICT Prague, Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering
The main professional interests include the study of biofilm processes, especially with regard to the stabilization of the nitrification process in the biofilm, the population dynamics of activated sludge, both the growth of microorganisms associated with biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus, and the population dynamics of microorganisms affecting the separation properties of activated sludge, including description by mathematical models. For example, the method of bioaugmentation of nitrifying bacteria in-situ using the regeneration zone in the return sludge stream can be attributed to successful study of population dynamics. This method is used, inter alia, on both water treatment plants of the CWWTP Prague. He formulated the principles of metabolic selection to control the sedimentation properties of activated sludge in anaerobic and / or anoxic zone systems. It also deals with calculations and principles of the correct construction of modern settling tanks. Since 2008, the research activities of prof. Wanner focused on technologies that allow the reuse of purified wastewater as a substitute for river or drinking water. The importance of these technologies continues to increase with the risk of water scarcity due to drought and the ever-increasing price of drinking water. Prof. Wanner i in the Waste Water Treatment and Recycling Group of CzWA and the EWA European Technical and Scientific Committee.
Actual research projects:
- TH04030202 (TAČR): Nanotechnologie pro snížení zatížení ekosystémů fosforem, 2019-2021. J. Wanner, M. Pečenka, I. Růžičková
- TH03030080 (TAČR): Recyklace odpadních vod pro využití ve vodním hospodářství měst budoucnosti, 2018-2020. J. Wanner, M. Pečenka. A. Benáková
- A04020217 (TAČR): Inovativní způsob čištění odpadních vod se zaměřením na zisk nutrientů v čisté formě, 2014-2017. J. Wanner, M. Pečenka, I. Růžičková
- TA04021421 (TAČR): Komplexní přístup k řešení snižování znečištění reaktivními formami fosforu a dusíku v hydrologicky vymezené části povodí vodárenské nádrže Švihov, 2014-2017. J. Wanner, M. Pečenka, I. Růžičková
- Ofori, S., Di Leto, Y., Smrčková, Š., Lopez Marin, M.A., Gallo, G., Růžičková, I. and Wanner, J. 2025. Treated wastewater reuse for crop irrigation: a comprehensive health risk assessment. Environmental Science: Advances.
- Solomon Ofori 2024; wst2024097. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2024.097 David Kwesi Abebrese Aleš Klement Daniel Provazník Ivana Tomášková Iveta Růžičková Jiří Wanner; Impact of treated wastewater on plant growth: leaf fluorescence, reflectance, and biomass-based assessment. Water Sci Technol
- Wanner, J. (2021). "The development in biological wastewater treatment over the last 50 years." Water Science and Technology 84(2): 274-283.
- Wanner, J., Rosický, J., Kovařík, J., Srb, M., Lánský, M., Sýkora, P.(2020). "Commissioning of the new water line of the Central wastewater treatment plant in Prague and its impact on the operation of the existing water line." Water Science and Technology 84(2): 293-301.
- Ofori, S., Puškáčová, A., Růžičková, I., Wanner, J.: Treated wastewater reuse for irrigation: Pros and cons. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 760, 15 March 2021, 144026. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144026
- Diaz-Sosa V.R., Tapia-Salazar M., Wanner J. and Cradenas-Chavez D.L. 2020. Monitoring and Ecotoxicity Assessment of Emerging Contaminants in Wastewater Discharge in the City of Prague (Czech Republic). Water, 12(4), 1079.
- Benáková, A., Johanidesová, I., Kelbich, P., Pospíšil, V., Wanner, J. (2018): The increase of process stability in removing ammonia nitrogen from wastewater. Water Science and Technology 77 (6), pp 1483-1492. Available Online 20 March 2018, wst2018135; DOI: 10.2166/wst.2018.135
- Vojtěchovská Šrámková, M., et al. (2018). "Experimental verification of tertiary treatment process in achieving effluent quality required by wastewater reuse standards." Journal of Water Process Engineering 22: 41-45. (possible to download for free until 25.3.2018)
- Rosetti, S., Tandoi, V., Wanner, J. (2017) Activated sludge separation problems: Theory, control measures, practical experiences. IWA Publishing, London. ISBN 978-1-78040-863-7.
- Wanner, J.; Ruzickova, I.; Benakova, A.: Filamentous microorganisms in activated sludge process. 2017. 6th International Symposium on Biosorption and Biodegradation /Bioremediation (BioBio) Location: Prague, Czech Republic. 25-29. 6. Pp: 55-59
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