Thesis topic:
Maximal recycling of energy from waste waters in future residences
The topic results from a new view on waste waters as a source of energy and valuable materials (including water alone).
Anaerobic fermentation lies at the heart of the energetic utilization of waste waters. This fermentation is realized in high-speed bioreactors and may be applied to classical (diluted) waste water from households as well as for separated i.e. concentrated waste water containing large amount of organic substances (so called black water). The first approach mainly applies to residences already built in the typical centralised manner; the second approach is about small, detached residences as well as future cities which are to prefer the decentralisation principle. Main technological problems are related to effective separation of organic pollution using membrane bioreactors and subsequent pollution processing in anaerobic fermenters followed by anaerobic fermentation at low temperatures (10 – 15 °C). The main desired product of this process is biogas as a source of electrical energy and heat.
Other fields of interest
09/2013 – 05/2014 Internship, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida, USA; Membrane Biotechnology Lab
- 2013 - now: ICT Prague, FTOP, Department of Water technology and environmental engineering, PhD. Student
- 2011-2013: ICT Prague, FTOP, Department of Water technology and environmental engineering, diploma thesis: "Oxidation of sulphides in relation to autotrophic denitrification"
- 2008-2011: ICT Prague, FTOP, bachelor thesis: "Effects of technological parameters on growth of hydrolytic mushrooms in anaerobic reactor"
- 2000-2008: high school Gymnázium Luďka Pika, Plzeň
- Andreides, M., P. Dolejš and J. Bartáček (2022). "The prediction of WWTP influent characteristics: Good practices and challenges." Journal of Water Process Engineering 49: 103009.
- Dolejš, P., Varga, Z., Luza, B., Pícha, A., Jeníček, P., Bartáček. J. (2019). "Maximizing energy recovery from wastewater via bioflocculation-enhanced primary treatment: A pilot-scale study." Environmental Technology: 1-30.
- Dolejs P., ElTayar G., Vejmelkova D., Pecenka M., Polaskova M., Bartacek J. 2018: Psychrophilic anaerobic treatment of sewage: Biomethane potential, kinetics and importance of inoculum selection. Journal of Cleaner Production 199, 93-100, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.07.134
- Kouba, V., Vejmelkova D., Proksova E., Wiesinger H., Concha M., Dolejs P., Hejnic J., Jenicek P., Bartacek, J. 2017. High-rate partial nitritation of municipal wastewater after psychrophilic anaerobic pre-treatment. Environ Sci Technol, ahead of print
- Dolejs, P., Ozcan, O., Bair, R., Ariunbaatar, J., Bartacek, J., Lens, P.N.L., Yeh, D.H. 2017. Effect of psychrophilic temperature shocks on a gas-lift anaerobic membrane bioreactor (Gl-AnMBR) treating synthetic domestic wastewater. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 16, 108-114
- Hejnic Jakub, Dolejs Petr, Kouba Vojtech, Prudilova Andrea, Widiayuningrum Patria and Bartacek Jan. Comparing Anaerobic Treatment of Sewage at 15 °C Using UASB Reactor and Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor. Environmental Engineering Science. Volume 33, Number 11, doi: 10.1089/ees.2016.0163, ahead of print.
- Dolejs Petr, Gotvald Robert, Velazquez Aida M.L., Hejnic Jakub, Jenicek Pavel, and Bartacek Jan. Contact Stabilization with Enhanced Accumulation Process for Energy Recovery from Sewage. Environmental Engineering Science. August 2016, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/ees.2016.0155.
- Dolejš, P., Paclík, L., Máca, J., Pokorná, D., Zábranská, J.,Bartáček, J. (2014). "Effect of S/N ratio on sulfide removal by autotrophic denitrification." Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, in press.
- Dolejš, P., V. Poštulka, Z. Sedláková, V. Jandová, J. Vejražka, E. Esposito, J. C. Jansen and P. Izák (2014). "Simultaneous hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide removal from biogas by water–swollen reverse osmosis membrane." Separation and Purification Technology 131: 108-116.
- Procházka, J., P. Dolejš, J. Máca and M. Dohányos (2012). "Stability and inhibition of anaerobic processes caused by insufficiency or excess of ammonia nitrogen." Applied microbiology and biotechnology 93(1): 439-447.
Conference proceedings:
- Dolejs, P., Gotvald, R., Velazquez, A.M.L., Hejnic, J., Jenicek, P., Bartacek, J. 2016. Bioflocculation as an up-concentration step for energy recovery from municipal wastewater. in: 3rd IWA Specialized International Conference Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP16), International Water Association. Cambridge27-30 June, United Kingdom, pp. 4.
- Dolejš P., Gotvald R., Velazquez. A.M.L., Hejnic J., Jeníček P., Bartáček J. Contact Stabilization with Enhanced Accumulation (CoSEA) for Energy Recovery from Sewage at 15 °C., IWA 14th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, 15.-18.11. 2015, Vina del Mar, Chile
- Dolejš P., Ozcan O., Bair R., Ariunbaatar J., Lens N. L. P., Bartacek J., Yeh H. D., Effect of psychrophilic temperature shocks on an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) treating synthetic domestic wastewater., IWA 14th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, 15.-18.11. 2015, Vina del Mar, Chile