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MSc. Zuzana Nováková


Thesis topic:

Significance of existing forms of ionic dissolved substances for assessing quality of river upper sections


The work focuses on assessing the quality of river upper sections in the Krkonoše mountains national park (KRNAP). This research work has been in progress at Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering since 2010. This offers a possibility to compare newly acquired data with the values of indicators obtained in previous periods.


4-week sampling intervals will be maintained in the area of interest and basic chemical indicators will be assessed with the attention being paid to ionic dissolved substances in river upper sections. Based on the knowledge of surface water ionic composition and its temperature the research attempts to predict or model the occurrence of individual inorganic compounds of nitrogen and carbon. In connection with the mentioned characteristic data of slightly mineralized real water samples the aim is also to assess the calcium-carbonate equilibrium.

Other fields of interest

  • The subject of interest is to assess the quality of rainfall water in the KRNAP park (2009 – now).


  • ICT Prague, FTOP, Department Water Technology and Environment Engineering, PhD
  • ICT Prague, FTOP, Department of Water Technology and Environment Engineering, Master’s degree thesis: "Assessment of water quality in Jizera river upper section"
  • ICT Prague, FTOP, Bachelor thesis: "Assessment of water quality in Labe rive upper section"
  • Gymnázium Budìjovická, Prague

Participation on teaching

  • Laboratory practice Water technology, work: Sorption
  • Laboratory practice Water analysis
  • BSc. Kateøina Racochová, diploma thesis: "Water quality of river upper sections in KRNAP", planned thesis defence in 2014
  • BSc. Michaela Kostorková, planned thesis defence in 2015



  • Nováková Z .: Boron - an indicator of anthropogenic water pollution; Chemical Sheets, adopted under number 012/20, September 2020, ISSN: 0009-2770, Chemical Sheets


Updated: 31.8.2020 10:43, Author: Lucie Pokorná


Doc. Ing. Nina Strnadová, CSc.

Year of inscription:


+420 220 443 147

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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