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MSc. Bukola Lois Ojobe


Thesis topic:

Removal of Specific Pollutants during Greywater Recycle


Grey water treatment provides an avenue for novel techniques to be used to optimize and improve treatment processes that reduce the pressure put on the water cycle. Creating processes to convert grey water to potable water standard efficiently is crucial.


Greywater is fast becoming a dependable source of water for non-potable uses, reducing the stress placed on fresh water that could be used for potable applications. In parts of the world where water sources are receding increasingly, Greywater recycle and reuse is the most potent way to save water.

Although advanced decentralized systems provide solutions to improve the quality of greywater effluents, they do not meet water standards. My study will focus on the most pertinent issues that need to be solved to broaden the usability scope of greywater from toilet flushing to laundry, floor cleaning, irrigation, and car washing. To achieve this feat, the crucial parameters hindering this water matrix from meeting water standards have to be dealt with, and this is what my research will focus on.

Other areas of interest

  • Heavy metal pollution in water
  • Bio-sensor design for water pollution detection


  • 2018 - present: UCT Prague, FTOP, Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering, Ph.D. Student.
  •  2016 – 2017: University Of Lagos, Nigeria, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry; MSc Environmental Chemistry. Thesis: Comparative analysis of the levels of potentially toxic metals (PTMs) in water samples collected from gold mining sites in Niger and Kebbi states (Distinction).
  •  2006 – 2010: University of Jos, Nigeria, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry; BSc Industrial Chemistry. Thesis: IR and TLC analysis of the methyl extract of Tamarindus Indica seeds.



  • Rutten, S., Ojobe, B., Hernandez Leal, L., de Grooth, J., Roesink, H.D.W., Bartáček, J. and Schmitt, H.  2023.  Evaluation of Membrane Integrity Monitoring Methods for Hollow Fiber Nanofiltration Membranes:  Applicability in Gray Water Reclamation Systems. ACS EST Water accepted.
  • Photocatalytic Removal of Pharmaceuticals from Greywater (2021): B. Ojobe, R. Zouzelka, B. Satkova,  M. Vagnerova, A. Nemeskalova, M. Kuchar, J. Bartacek, J. Rathousky. Catalyst 11 (9)
  • Adio-Adepoju, A.A, Okiei, W.O, Ogunlesi M, Ojobe, B.L, Ibrahim, G.O, Sobowale, O.S. 2018. Analysis of surface and groundwater samples in the environs of gold mines linked to lead poisoning incident in Niger state, Nigeria. Water Resources Management
  • Adio-Adepoju, A. A., Okiei, W., Fernandez, C., Akinbulu, I., Ibrahim, G., & Ojobe, B. (2019, May). Design of Enzyme-Based Biosensors for Monitoring Pollutants in Gold Mining     Environments. In Meeting Abstracts (No. 45, pp. 2213-2213). The Electrochemical Society
Updated: 6.11.2023 14:16, Author: Lucie Pokorná


Assoc.Prof. Ing. Jan Bartáček, PhD.

Year of inscription:


+420 220 445 225

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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