Thesis topic:
Sorption and desorption of pharmaceuticals and other micropollutants on sewage sludge
The consumption of pharmaceuticals and micropollutants has increased in recent decades. These substances are only partially removed in sewage treatment plants, resulting in contamination of the aquatic environment. Since these substances are designed to act in low concentrations, their long-term incidence may cause adverse effects on the environment and human health.
Sorption and desorption processes on sewage sludge play the important roles in the removal of micropollutants. Until now they were studied mostly at static standard conditions which differ from the real environment. Therefore this work is focused on characterization of sorption and desorption processes on different types of sludge at changing physico-chemical conditions (pH, temperature, oxidation-reduction potential, ionic strengh…).
Other areas of interest
- 2015 - 2017 UCT Prague, FTOP, specialization Analytical chemistry of the environment, diploma thesis: „Influence of technological parameters of post-aeration on the quality of digested sludge”
- 2012 - 2015 UCT Prague, FTOP, specialization Analytical chemistry of the environment, bachelor thesis: „Artificial sweetening agents and their metabolism“
- 2004 - 2012 Gymnázium Omská
Participation in teaching
- Laboratory of water analysis
Vojtiskova, M., Satkova, B., Bindzar, J., Jenicek, P. (2019): Simple improvement of digested sludge quality: is post-aeration the key? Water Science and Technology https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2019.409