Thesis topic:
Optimisation of microaeration for H2S removal from biogas
Nowadays, the requires for biogas quality are still getting higher, which relates to hydrogen sulfide removal (H2S). H2S is a poisonous gas producing during anaerobic treatment of sulfate rich wastewater and can cause problems during biogas reuse in cogeneration unit. The cheap and easy method for H2S removal is microaeration. The dosing of small amount of air into the anaerobic fermenter supports growth of sulfide oxidizing bacteria (SOB), which are presented in the biofilm covering headspace of fermenter and oxidize H2S to harmless elemental sulfur. In intermittent mixing processes, the concentration of H2S is not stable and the reliable control of microaeration is not possible. The good understanding of the biochemical processes is limiting for the optimization of the process in these types of systems.
The aim of this PhD topic is describing of biochemical processes in detail, as well as factors influencing microaeration. To obtain experimental data, two laboratory bioreactors with exact geometry parameters are operated. The goal is to determine the influence of the headspace area, surface area, mixing intensity a description of bacterial culture in biofilm. Due to complexity of biological system, comparison of experimental data with developed mathematical model for description of each process.
Other area of interest
- 2019 - now: UCT Prague, FTOP, Department of Water technology and environmental engineering, PhD candidate
- 2017 – 2019 UCT Prague, FTOP, Department of Water technology and environmental engineering, master thesis: ”Effect of headspace geometry on H2S removal from biogas in microaerated digester ”
- 2014 – 2017 UCT Prague, FTOP, bachelor thesis: ”Anaerobic sewage treatment in anaerobic membrane bioreactor“
Participation on teaching
- Laboratory Course in Water Technology (UCT Prague)
- Laboratory Course in Water Analysis (UCT Prague)
- Andreides, M., P. Dolejš and J. Bartáček (2022). "The prediction of WWTP influent characteristics: Good practices and challenges." Journal of Water Process Engineering 49: 103009.
- Andreides, M.; Pokorná-Krayzelová, L.; Bartáček, J.; Jeníček, P. Biological H2S removal from gasses. Book chapter In Environmental Technologies to Treat Sulfur Pollution, 2nd ed.; Lens, P. N., Eds.; IWA Publishing: London, 2020; pp 345–365.
- Andreides, M.; Pokorná-Krayzelová, L.; Bartáčková, J.; Bartáček, J., 2021. Stirring-based control strategy for microaerobic H2S removal in sequencing batch anaerobic digesters. Fuel 306. 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121696
- Andreides M, Pokorná-Krayzelová L, Říhová Ambrožová J, Volcke EIP, Bartáček J. Key parameters influencing hydrogen sulfide removal in microaerobic sequencing batch reactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2021;168.
- Markéta Andreides, Petr Dolejš, Vojtěch Bareš, Martin Fencl, Petr Sýkora, Zuzana Nováková, Jiří Jirkovský, Lukáš Chalupa, David Stránský, Jan Bartáček, Využití cloud-computingu a prediktivní analýzy odpadní vody za účelem zvýšení efektivity provozu ČOV, Voda 4.0 2021; Praha, Česká Republika 16. září 2021; počet stran fulltextu: 6
- Andreides M., Pokorná-Krayzelová L., Bartáček J.; Optimalizace míchání fermentoru pro zvýšení účinnosti odstranění pro zvýšení účinnost odstranění sulfanu mikroaerací, Voda 2021; Litomyšl, Česká Republika 22.- 24. září 2021; počet stran fulltextu: 6
- Markéta Andreides, Petr Dolejš, Vojtěch Bareš, Martin Fencl, Petr Sýkora, Zuzana Nováková, Jiří Jirkovský, Lukáš Chalupa, David Stránský, Jan Bartáček, Využívání cloud-computingu a neuronových sítí pro prediktivní analýzu odpadní vody, Voda 2021; Litomyšl, Česká Republika 22.- 24. září 2021; počet stran fulltextu: 4
- Andreides, M., Dolejš, P., Bartáček, J. 2021. Use of Cloud-Computing and Predictive Wastewater Analysis. in: 12th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, Riga Technical University, 1 Kalku Street, Riga, LV-1658 (Latvia). Riga, Latvia pp. 15-16.
- Andreides, M., Pokorná-Krayzelová, L., Volcke, E.I., Bartáček, J. 2021. Mathematical Model Used for Microaeration in Sequencing Batch Reactor for H2S Removal. in: 12th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference Riga Technical University, 1 Kalku Street, Riga, LV-1658 (Latvia). Riga, Latvia, pp. 14-15.
- Andreides, M.; Pokorná-Krayzelová, L.; Bartáček, J. Matematické modelování mikroaerace v semi-kontinuálním fermentoru. In "Mladá voda břehy mele" Sborník konference, Mladá voda břehy mele 2020; Harciník, F., Vachová, P.; et al., Eds.; Asociace pro vodu ČR: Brno, 2020; pp 111–116.
- Andreides, M.; Pokorná-Krayzelová, L.; Bartáček, J. Vyhodnocení klíčových parametrů mikroaerace pro odstraňování sulfanu z anaerobního semikontinuálního fermentoru. In Zborník prednášok a posterov 11. bienálnej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou Odpadové vody 2020, Odpadové vody 2020; Bodík, I., ; et al., Eds.; Asociace čistírenských expertů SR (AČE SR): Bratislava, 2020; pp 75–79.
- Chlumecká M., Pokorná-Krayzelová L., Bartáček J.; Effect of headspace geometry on H2S removal from biogas in microaerated digester, Voda 2019; Poděbrady, Czech Republic 18 .- 20. September 2019; pages of fulltext: 8