E-mail: | michal.dohanyos@vscht.cz |
Phone: | +420 220 443 152 |
Room: | B 115 |
Fax.: | +420 220 444305 |
Web: | http://web.vscht.cz/dohanyom |
- 1994 – appointed a professor in the field of Water Technology
- 1992 - habilitation, thesis topic "Anaerobic cleaning of waste water"
- 1967 – CSc, (thesis topic: Removing organic colorants with activated sludge), ICT Prague
- 1962 – Master of Sciences, Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague
- 1957 - graduated high school Priemyselná škola chemická in Bratislava
- 2004 - professor, ICT Prague, Department of Water technology and Environmental Engineering, part-time employment
- 1997 - 2003 head of Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering, ICT Prague
- 1994 - 2000 vice dean for science and research at Faculty of Environmental Technology, ICT Prague
- 1994 - professor, ICT Prague, Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering
- 1992 - 1994 associate professor, ICT Prague, Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering
- 1989 - 1992 executive researcher level A2,
- 1979 - 1989 independent researcher level A1, ICT Prague, Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering
- 1967 - 1979 researcher, ICT Prague, Department of Water Technology
- 1966 - 1967 lecturer, ICT Prague, Department of Water Technology
Biological purification of waste water, anaerobic treatment processes purifying waste water and stabilizing sludge, high-output anaerobic reactors, stimulating and enhancing anaerobic stabilisation of organic materials and biogas production, implementation of biogas stations, cofermentation, minimization of sludge production, hygienization of sludges.
Research projects:
- "Increased production of biogas from biomass using anaerobic fungi"., QI92A286, NAZV Ministry of Agriculture, 2009-2012
- "The intensification of biogas production", SP/3g4/129/07, Ministry of Environment, 2007-2009
- "Biomethanizace mixed waste and biomass", 104/03/0119, GA CR, 2003-2005
- "Minimizing the amount of produced sewage sludge" QD 1069, the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, 2001-2004
- "Disinfection of sewage sludge", EP9346, NAZV Ministry of Agriculture, 1999-2001
- Zábranská J., Dohányos M., Jeníček P., Kutil J. (2006) Disintegration of excess activated sludge – evaluation and experience of full-scale applications. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 53. No 12, pp 229-236
- Boušková A., Dohányos M., Schmidt J.E., Angelidaki I. (2005). Startegies for changing temperature from mesophilic to thermophilic conditions in anaerobic CSTR reactors treating sewage sludge. Water Research. Vol 39 pp 1481-1488.
- Dohányos M., Zábranská J., Kutil, J., Jeníček, P. (2004). Improvement of anaerobic digestion of sludge. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 49. No 10, pp 89-96
- Zábranská J., Dohányos M., Jeníček P., Zaplatílková P., Kutil J. (2002) The contribution of thermophilic anaerobic digestion to the stable operation of wastewater treatment plant. Water Sci. Technol, 46, 4-5, 447-453, ISBN 1 84339 423 5
- Dohanyos M., Zabranska J.,. Jenicek P., Stepova J., Kutil V., Horejs J. (2000) The intensification of sludge digestion by the disintegration of activated sludge and the thermal conditioning of digested sludge. Water Sci. Technol., 42, 9, 57-64. ISBN 1 900222 43 4
- Zábranská J., Dohányos M., Jeníček P., Kutil J. (2000) Thermophilic process and enhancement of excess activated sludge degradability – two ways of intensification of sludge treatment in the Prague Central Treatment Plant. Water Science & Technology, 41(9), 265-272, ISSBN 0273 1223.
- Dohányos M., Zábranská J., Jeníček P. (1997) Innovative technology for the improvement of the anaerobic methane fermentation. Water Sci. Technol., 36, 6-7, 333-340.
- Dohányos M., Zábranská J., Jeníček P. (1997) Enhancement of sludge anaerobic digestion by use of a special thickening centrifuge. Water Sci. Technol., 36, 11, 145-153
- Garuti G., Dohányos M., Tilche A.(1992). Anaerobic aerobic combined process for the treatment of sewage with nutrient removal. The ANANOX process. Water Science and Technology, 25, No 7, pp. 383-394
- Grau P., Dohányos M., Chudoba J. (1975). Kinetics of multikomponent substrate removal by activated sludge. Water Research 9, 9, 637 642