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Researcher (V4)


Next-generation methods for highly sensitive and fast detection of fecal contamination and antibiotic resistance for circular water management 

Project description:    

This project aims to solve two major issues of circular water management: i) methods for the detection of pathogens (i.e., enteric viruses) are slow and non-specific which complicates the resolution of accidents in drinking water delivery (in Czech Republic – Dejvice 2015, Policka 2019), and ii) there is a lack of knowledge on the spread of antimicrobial resistance in drinking water treatment infrastructure. The first goal of the project is to develop highly sensitive and rapid detection of pathogenic agents in water using innovative concentration and RT-PCR, flow cytometry, and optimized cultivation to effectively prevent and resolve accidents in drinking water treatment plants and distribution networks in municipalities and industry (i.e., breweries). The second aim is to map the removal or amplification of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) at the drinking water treatment plants treating surface water, including biofilms, free-floating extracellular DNA, and phages, and identify the combination of processes and their optimal parameters (including distribution) so that the content of ARGs in the drinking water can be minimized. 
The researcher will be co-supervised by professors from the Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology UCT Prague with expertise in processes for water treatment and delivery, drinking water microbiology, and virus detection methods. The researcher will heavily benefit from a close collaboration with the Prague water utility company (i.e., testing the methods in real conditions, and obtaining samples from real scale).

Project ID:    

SS07020223 NEGEV; Metody nové generace pro vysoce citlivou a rychlou detekci fekálního znečištění a antibiotické rezistence pro podporu oběhového vodního hospodářství


TAČR – Prostředí pro život

Project duration:    

2 years

Financial conditions:    

The contract funded by the project covers a monthly gross salary of 32,800 CZK. The project lasts until the end of June 2026. We aim to secure further funding after this date.    
In case of enrolling into the PhD program, the student of doctoral programs taught in Czech will receive an additional stipend of at least 14 100 CZK, which may further increase based on the scientific outcomes. The stipend will be paid for 48 months.


  • MSc degree in Chemical/Environmental Engineering, Microbiology or Bioinformatics. Candidates who will, with high probability, achieve the degree latest in June 2024, may also apply.
  • Demonstrable background and strong interest in biotechnologies
  • Independent, self-motivated, curiosity-driven mind, open to communicate and collaborate with peers and partners    
  • A scientific attitude and analytical skills combined with a hands-on mentality
  • Laboratory experience proven by lab courses, internships or other previous work.    
  • Excellent spoken and written English
Updated: 13.5.2024 13:38, Author: Lucie Pokorná

UCT Prague
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Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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