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Position 2:        

Researcher (V4)


Identification and management of point sources of PFAA input to anthropogenic water cycle

Project goals:    

Perfluorinated alkyl acids (PFAA) are broadly used, and highly persistent compounds, that are known to bioaccumulate in the trophic chain and pose a threat to human health (i.e., liver disease). This project's first aim is to identify the point sources of perfluorinated alkyl acids input to the anthropogenic water cycle. We will develop a passive sampler of PFAA in municipal and industrial wastewater and landfill leachates. This enables the management of concentrated PFAA sources before diluting, e.g., by municipal sewage. Our own sampling campaign will describe the impact of these sources on the overall PFAA load in the anthropogenic water cycle including sewer network, WWTP, surface water, and drinking water treatment. Finally, we will describe the mechanisms of PFAA removal at a WWTP and deliver a mathematical model that will enable the water professionals to efficiently resolve the PFAA load in Czechia.
The researcher will be supervised by professors from the Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering specializing in processes for wastewater and water treatment and delivery and process modeling. PFAA analysis will be done by experts from the Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition UCT Prague. The project involves a close collaboration with the Prague water utility company (i.e., testing the passive sampler in real conditions). Mathematical models will be developed also in collaboration with other major water utility companies and software developers.

Project ID:    

SS07020436 PERFAS; Identifikace a management bodových zdrojů zátěže PFAA v antropogenním vodním cyklu


TAČR – Prostředí pro život

Project duration:    

2 years

Financial conditions:    

The contract funded by the project covers a monthly gross salary of 32,800 CZK. The project lasts until the end of June 2026. We aim to secure further funding after this date.    
In case of enrolling into the PhD program, the student of doctoral programs taught in Czech will receive an additional stipend of at least 14 100 CZK, which may further increase based on the scientific outcomes. The stipend will be paid for 48 months.


  • MSc degree in Chemical/Environmental Engineering, Microbiology or Bioinformatics. Candidates who will, with high probability, achieve the degree latest in June 2024, may also apply.    
  • Demonstrable background and strong interest in biological processes and biotechnologies
  • Independent, self-motivated, curiosity-driven mind, open to communicate and collaborate with peers and partners    
  • A scientific attitude and analytical skills combined with a hands-on mentality
  • Laboratory experience proven by lab courses, internships or other previous work.    
  • Excellent spoken and written English
Updated: 13.5.2024 13:39, Author: Lucie Pokorná

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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