E-mail: | vaclav.janda@vscht.cz |
Phone: | +420 220 443 145, 3125 |
Room: | B 106 |
Fax.: | +420 220 444305 |
- 2000 – now: a professor in the specialization of Chemistry and Environmental Technology, also works as a vice dean at the Faculty of Environmental Technology. He is a secretary of the Czech and Slovak Association of Water Experts.
- 1993 – 2000: associate professor at the Department of Water Technology
- 1993 – International internships in Great Britain (University of Leeds).
- 1989 – International internships in Belgium (University of Ghent)
- 1981 – 1993: lecturer and researcher at the Department of Water Technology
- 1981 - gained PhD - specialisation Water technology at Department of Water technology and Environmental Engineering
- 1977- graduated as Master of Sciences
The main topics in his research and pedagogical activities include chemical and biological treatment procedures improving water quality and analyses of organic substances in waters and the environment. He is also interested in energy production and the effective utilization of alternative sources of energy and heat.
Research projects:
- The introduction of supercritical fluid extraction in teaching. Provider: Dynamic Fund Higher Education Development, No. 001, 1994.
- Supercritical fluid extraction methods and instrumentation development. Grants under the European Communities COPERNICUS (CIPA-CT94-0146). Cooperating Organization: University of Leeds (Prof. KD Bartle), Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the ASCR (Mr. J. Vejrosta, MD.) SEKO Brno (Mr. J. Kalina) Hydrotechnológia Bratislava (Mr. J. Hamaj). From 1995 to 1997.
- SFE PAH from aqueous solutions. Provider Ministry of Education, Kindergarten OK 063, 1995-1997.
- Pulsed corona discharge for plasma chemical destruction of organic impurities in the air and in the water.
- Provider: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, the recipient: Institute of Plasma Physics ASCR, co-ICTP, 202/96/0746, 1996-1998.
- He developed of instrumentation and methodology tekutinné supercritical extraction of aqueous media for the determination of organic pollutants. Provider: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, the recipient: Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the ASCR, co-ICTP, 203/96/0617, 1996-1998.
- Generation of chemically active substances by electrical discharges in water. Provider: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, the recipient: Institute of Plasma Physics ASCR, co-ICTP, 202/99/0305, 1999-2001.
- By-products of chlorination of water containing organic macromolecular substances Provider: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology recipient, 203/00/1207, 2000-2002.
- Combined pulsed high-voltage discharge for water purification. Provider: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, the recipient: Institute of Plasma Physics ASCR, co-ICTP, 202/02/1026, 2002-2004.
- Research and use the reaction of metallic iron with halogenated hydrocarbons in water in environmental chemistry. Provider: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology recipient, 203/03/0925, 2003-2005.
- Effects discharge plasma chemical and biological contaminants in water. Beneficiary: Institute of Plasma Physics ASCR, co-ICTP, IAAX00430802 2008-2012.
- J. Drechsler, J. Semerád, K. Fialová, M. Prokopová, T. Cajthaml, M. Pivokonský, V. Janda: Výskyt a odstraňování per- a polyfluorovaných organických látek při úpravě pitné vody. Chem. Listy 115, 291−294 (2021).
- M. Pivokonsky, L. Cermakova, K. Novotna, P. Peer, T. Cajthaml, V. Janda: Occurrence of microplastics in raw and treated drinking water. Science of The Total Environment 643,1644-1651(2018).
- Naceradska J., Pivokonsky M., Pivokonska L., Baresova M., Henderson R.K., Zamyadi A., Janda V.: The impact of pre-oxidation with potassium permanganate on cyanobacterial organic matter removal by coagulation. Water Research 114 (2017) 42-49.
- Čermáková L., Pivokonská L., Kopecká I., Pivokonský M., Janda V.: Vliv aminokyselin produkovaných fytoplanktonem na úpravu vody a jejich adsorpce na aktivním uhlí. Chem. Listy 110,6,418-423(2016).
- Pivokonsky, M., Naceradska, J., Brabenec, T., Novotna, K., Baresova, M., Janda, V. (2015): The impact of interactions between algal organic matter and humic substances on coagulation. Water Research 84, 278-285 (2015).
- V. Janda, A. Moucha: Chlorination of humic acids and chloroform production. Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol. 11,3(1983).
- V. Janda, K. Krijt: Recovery of phenols from water by continuous steam distillation-extraction. J. Chromatogr. 283,309(1984).
- V. Janda, F. Pehal, J. Hrivòák: Isolation, concentration and GC determination of C2-C14 fatty acids in water and sludge. J. High. Resolut. Chromatogr. Chromatogr. Commun. 7,540(1984).
- V. Janda, K. Marha: Recovery of s-triazines from water and their analysis with photoionization detector. J. Chromatogr. 329,186(1985).
- V. Janda, B. Doležal: Theory of the phase equilibrium in an apparatus for isolation and concentration of organic substances from water by continuous steam distillation-extraction. Coll. Czech. Chem. Commun. 50,2115(1985).
- F. Pehal, V. Janda: Modification of microapparatus for isolation and concentration of organics from water by CSDE. Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol. 14,199(1986).
- J. Tøíska, R. Hulík, L. Vodièka, V. Janda, M. Èapka: Poly(octadecyl)¬hydrosiloxane-a new deactivation reagent for capillary columns. J. High Resolut. Chromatogr. Chromatogr. Commun. 11,221(1988).
- V. Janda, K. Marha, J. Mitera: Conversion of bromoalkanes to chloroalkanes during closed loop stripping. J. High Resolut. Chromatogr. Chromatogr. Commun. 11,541(1988).
- V. Janda, J. Rudovský, J. Wanner, K. Marha: In-situ denitrification of drinking water. Water Sci. Technol. 20,215(1988).
- V. Janda, L. Benešová: Removal of manganese from water in fluidized bed. Aqua 1988, 313.
- V. Janda, H. Van Langenhove: Analysis of chlorophenols in water by direct acetylation and solid phase extraction. J. Chromatogr. 472,327(1989).
- V. Janda, G. Steenbeke, P. Sandra: Supercritical fluid extraction of s-triazine herbicides from sediment. J. Chromatogr. 479,200(1989).
- J. Vejrosta, V. Janda, K.D. Bartle: Testing a new multichannel restrictor for supercritical fluid chromatography. J. High Resolut. Chromatogr. 16,624(1993).
- V. Janda, J. Køíž, J. Vejrosta, K.D. Bartle: Supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography of aromatic amines, J. Chromatogr. 669,241(1994).
- J. Vejrosta, M. Mikešová, A. Ansorgová, J. Zátorský, M. Hajer, V. Janda: Multichannel restrictor for supercritical fluid chromatography. J. Microcolumn Sep. 6,23(1994).
- V. Janda, J. Rudovský: Removal of ammonia from drinking water by biological nitrification. Water Science, Research and Technology - Aqua 43,3,120(1994).
- J. Vejrosta, A. Ansorgová, P. Karásek, M. Mikešová, J. Planeta, J. Fanta, V. Janda: Solute collection after off-line supercritical fluid extraction into a moving liquid layer. J. Chromatogr., 685,113(1994).
- V. Janda, J. Fanta, J. Vejrosta: Factors affecting supercritical fluid extraction of PAHs from water samples. J. High Resolut. Chromatogr. 19,588(1996).
- I. Víden, V. Janda: Simple thermal desorption unit for analysis of volatile organic substances in air samples by GC-MS. J. High Resolut. Chromatogr. 20,181(1997).
- V. Janda, J. Rudovský, V. Linek, J. Sinkule: Evaluation of a method of estimating radon removal from groundwater by measuring dissolved oxygen. J. Water Science, Research and Technology - Aqua 46,2,95(1997).
- V. Linek, J. Sinkule, V. Janda: Design of packed aeration towers to strip volatile organic contaminants from water. Water Research 32,1264(1998).
- V. Janda, V. Linek, J. Sinkule, J. Vejrosta: Solid-phase micro extraction as a source of data for the design of stripping aeration towers. J. Chromatogr., 823,523(1998).
- A. Farouk, F. Pudil, V. Janda, J. Pokorný: Effect of amino acids on the composition and properties of extruded mixtures of wheat flour and glucose. NAHRUNG-FOOD 44(3), 188-192(2000). ISSN 0027-769X
- A. Farouk, F. Pudil, J. Pánek, V. Janda, J. Pokorný: Pyrazine formation in course of extrusion cooking. Chemical Reactions in Foods IV, Czech J. Food Sci. 18 (Spec. Issue), 110-111,(2000).
- A. Farouk Mansour, F. Pudil, V. Janda, J. Pokorný: Changes during the extrusion of Semolina in Mixture with Sugars. Czech J. Food Sci. 19,1,24-30(2001).
- P. Lukeš, M. Èlupek, P. Šunka, V. Babický, V. Janda: Effect of ceramic composition on pulse discharge induced processes in water using ceramic-coated wire to cylider electrode system. Czech J. Physics 52, D800-D806(2002).
- J. Pokorný, A.F. Mansour, F. Pudil, V. Janda: Effect of Defatted Soyabean Flour of Extruded Mixtures with Wheat Flour. Czech J. Food Sci. 20,6,229-236(2002).
- Lukeš P., Èlupek M., Babický V., Šunka P., Winterová G., Janda V.: Non-thermal plasma induced decomposition of 2-chlorophenol in water. Acta Physica Slovaca 53, (6), 423, (2003).
- V. Janda, P. Vasek, J. Bizova, Z. Belohlav: Kinetic Models for Volatile Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Removal by Zero-Valent Iron. Chemosphere 54,7,917-925, (2004).
- F. Kvasnièka, V. Janda, D. Rousová, J. Manda, L. Kollerová: Determination of inorganic oxyhalides in drinking water by on-line coupled capillary isotachophoresis –capillary zone electrophoresis. Central European Journal of Chemistry 3(1), 137–145(2005).
- P. Lukes, M. Clupek, V. Babicky, V. Janda, P. Sunka: Generation of ozone by pulsed corona discharge over water surface in hybrid gas–liquid electrical discharge reactor. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 38 (2005) 409–416.
- M. Jiricek, O. Sracek, V. Janda: Removal of chlorinated solvents from carbonate-buffered water by zero-valent iron. Central European Journal of Chemistry 5,1,87-106 (2007).
- V. Janda: Reverse Osmosis, Ion Exchange and Other Processes for Point-of-Use (Post)Treatment of Drinking Water – an Opinion from the Czech Republic. Ion Exchange Letters, 2 (2009) 50-53.
- V. Janda, K. Bartle, A. Clifford: Supercritical fluid extraction in environmental analysis. J. Chromatogr. 642,283(1993).
- V. Janda, M. Mikešová, J. Vejrosta: Direct supercritical fluid extraction of water-based matrices. J. Chromatogr., 733,35(1996).
- V. Janda: Supercritical fluid extraction in environmental analysis. Crit. Rev. Anal. Chem. 29,87(1999).
- V. Janda, P. Dolejš, F. Kožíšek: Drinking water supply in the Czech Republic. Vodní hospodáøství 52, spec. issue, 10-12(2002).
Other articles:
- F. Pudil, R. Uvira, V. Janda: Volatile Compounds in Stinkhorn (Phallus Impudicus L. Ex. Pers.) at Different Stages of Growth. European Scientific Journal 10,9,163-171 (2014).
- M. Zychova, M. Ruzickova, J. Macak, V. Janda: Properties and Application of Supercritical Water. Chem. Listy 107,126 (2013).
- P. Lukes, M. Clupek, V. Babicky, I. Sisrova, V. Janda: The Catalytic Role of Tungsten Electrode Material in the Plasmachemical Activity of a Pulsed Corona Discharge in Water, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 20,034011 (2011).
- Jiříček I., Kolovratník M., Macák J., Pohořelý M., Diblíková L., Janda V.: Electricity from Photovoltaic Panels or Warm Water from Roof Collectors? Chem. Listy, 103, 7, 601-604, 9 (2009)
- V. Janda, P. Dolejš, F. Kožíšek: Drinking water supply in the Czech Republic. Vodní hospodářství 52, spec. issue, 10-12 (2002).
- V. Janda: Supercritical fluid extraction in environmental analysis. Crit. Rev. Anal. Chem. 29,87(1999).
- V. Janda, M. Mikešová, J. Vejrosta: Direct supercritical fluid extraction of water-based matrices. J. Chromatogr., 733,35 (1996).
- V. Janda, K. Bartle, A. Clifford: Supercritical fluid extraction in environmental analysis. J. Chromatogr. 642,283 (1993).
Chapters in monographs:
- V. Janda, K.D. Bartle, A.A. Clifford: Supercritical fluid extraction in environmental analysis. (Applications of supercritical fluids in industrial analysis, Ed.: J. Dean), str. 159 – 187, Blackie Academic & Professionals, London 1993.
- V. Janda, O. Sracek: Removal of Halogenated Hydrocarbons from Water by Zero-Valent Iron; (Water Pollution: New Research, Ed.: A. R. Burk), str. 161 – 180, Nova Publishers, New York 2005.