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Gas analyses

 Pic. 1 (šířka 215px)

Gas chromatograph GC 8000 TOP with TCD detector

Contact: Dr. Jana Bartáčková

b jana.bartackova@vscht.cz  e 220 44 4374


  • Fill column for the determination of elemental gases (oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen), carbon dioxide and methane


Gas chromatograph GC SHIMADZU 2010, TCD detector

Contact: Dr. Jana Bartáčková

b jana.bartackova@vscht.cz  e 220 44 4374


  • Column for the determination of biogas, oxygen, air, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide
Updated: 3.10.2017 21:57, Author: Lucie Pokorná

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Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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