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Microbiological analyses of sludge

Epifluorescencni mikroskop (šířka 215px)

Olympus BH2-RFCA Epifluorescence Microscope

Contact: Dr. Iveta Růžičková

b iveta.ruzickova@vscht.cz  e 220 44 3150


  • Analysis in direct light and phase contrast (125x - 1250x), fluorescence, photographic extension


Epifluorescencni mikroskop 2 (šířka 215px)

Olympus BX51 Epifluorescence Microscope

Contact: Dr. Iveta Růžičková

b iveta.ruzickova@vscht.cz  e 220 44 3150


  • Analysis in direct light and phase contrast (100x - 1600x), fluorescence, CCD camera, photographic extension
  • The device is equipped with a black and white CCD camera for fluorescence signal recording and a camera to capture native and colored samples.  

LAMBDA DN 45 Microscope, Olympus CX 41 Microscope

Contact: Assoc Prof. Jana Říhová Ambrožová

b jana.ambrozova@vscht.cz  e 220 44 5123

  • Biological and laboratory optical microscope for subjective and objective observation in natural light, suitable for observation of wet and dry preparations (water, sludge, sediments), lighting system according to Köhler principle, lenses and eyepieces DIN standard, maximum 1500 × magnification, TH trinocular head with camcorder and screen connectivity, RCH relief contrast, photo attachment
  • CX-RFA-2 fluorescence device with the option of placing a green and blue filter cube with a lamp for the extension and a U-RFLT-50 power supply (100W mercury lamp)

PCR Device (Polymerase Chain Reaction) - PCR - Biometra T-personal Termocykler

Contact: Assoc Prof. Jana Říhová Ambrožová

b jana.ambrozova@vscht.cz  e 220 44 5123

  • MIKRO 20 Hettich Centrifuge, HORIZON 58 Horizontal Electrophoresis (4-360 mA, 0.5 Amax), Reax Control Shaker, Cyclrometer Biometra T personal Schoeller, Block Thermostat, Transiluminator
Updated: 3.10.2017 21:45, Author: Lucie Pokorná

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