Next-generation methods for highly sensitive and fast detection of fecal contamination and antibiotic resistance for support of circular water management
Project number
Prostředí pro život PP 7
04/2024 – 06/2026
Řešitelé za VŠCHT Praha
- Ing. Vojtěch Kouba, Ph.D. – principal investigator
- Doc. RNDr. Jana Říhová Ambrožová Ph.D.
- Dr. Ing. Pavla Šmejkalová
- Ing. Kamila Zdeňková Ph. D.
- Prof. Ing. Václav Janda CSc.
Účastníci projektu
- Pražské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
Project goals:
The first goal is to accelerate the detection of established and indicator microorganisms of fecal contamination (including somatic coliphages) of water by innovative up-concentration and RT-PCR, flow cytometry and optimized cultivation and apply these methods for the operation of drinking water production and its distribution. The second aim is to map the removal or amplification of DNA carrying antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) at the drinking water treatment plants treating surface water, including free-floating extracellular DNA and phages, and identify the combination of processes and their optimal parameters (including distribution), so that the content of ARGs in the drinking water can be minimized.