Identification and management of point sources of PFAA load in the anthropogenic water cycle
Project number
Prostředí pro život PP 7
04/2024 – 06/2026
Řešitelé za VŠCHT Praha
- Ing. Vojtěch Kouba, Ph.D. – hlavní řešitel
- Ing. Petr Dolejš Ph.D.
- Prof. Ing. Václav Janda CSc.
Účastníci projektu
Pražské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
Project goals:
This project's first aim is to identify the point sources of perfluorinated alkyl acids (PFAA, including PFOA) input to the anthropogenic water cycle. We will develop a passive sampler of PFAA in municipal and industrial wastewater and landfill leachates. This enables the management of concentrated PFAA sources before diluting, e.g., by municipal sewage. Our own sampling campaign will describe the impact of these sources on the overall PFAA load in the anthropogenic water cycle including sewer network, WWTP, surface water, and drinking water treatment. Finally, we will describe the mechanisms of PFAA removal at a WWTP and deliver a mathematical model that will enable the water professionals to efficiently resolve the PFAA load in Czechia.
The project "Identification and management of point sources of PFAA loads in the anthropogenic water cycle" is co-financed with state support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of the Environment of the Program Environment for Life. This project was financed under the National Recovery Plan from the European Recovery and Resilience Instrument.