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List of patents


Pivokonský, L. Pivokonská, V. Janda: Method of increasing the efficiency of removal of organic substances produced by cyanobacteria and algae in the treatment of water properties by coagulation. CZ Patent 305835, 2016.


D. N. Thanh, N. Strnadová: Adsorbent for removing arsenic and selenium from water. CZ Patent 304650, 2014

J. Vošta, L. Jelínek, K. Demnerová, H. Parschová, E. Mišová, M. Žemličková, V. Janda, J. Kašlíková: A means for accelerating healing of injured sites and for bactericidal and viral protection. CZ Patent 304327, 2014


J. Macák, V. Janda, J. Vošta: Antimicrobial agent for conditioning of cooling circuits, CZ Patent 302960, 2012


J. Macák, V. Janda, J. Vošta: Alkalisation and corrosion protection of energy equipment, CZ Patent 302467, 2011

J. Macák, V. Janda, J. Vošta: Removal of deposits and corrosion inhibition on heat exchange surfaces of power equipment, CZ Patent 302805, 2011

Updated: 13.10.2017 20:55, Author: Lucie Pokorná

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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