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You are here: UCT PragueFETÚTVP  → Research → Grants and Projects → ARG Tech → Project goals
iduzel: 55822
idvazba: 64978
šablona: stranka
čas: 19.9.2024 00:28:52
verze: 5476
branch: trunk
Obnovit | RAW
iduzel: 55822
idvazba: 64978
---Nová url--- (newurl_...)
domena: 'tvp.vscht.cz'
jazyk: 'en'
url: '/research/projects-grants/arg-tech/55822'
iduzel: 55822
path: 8548/4168/4169/4171/18930/18933/55814/55817/55822
CMS: Odkaz na newurlCMS
branch: trunk
Obnovit | RAW

Project goals

The aim of the project is to design such parameters of sludge sanitation processes that will safely ensure the removal of ARB and ARG so that the sludge can be used as an agricultural fertilizer.
The project will test the effectiveness of available sewage sludge sanitation technologies in terms of their ability to remove antibiotic resistance and SARS-CoV-2 contamination. Process conditions leading to the removal of these pollutants will be sought for all technologies. Sludges from thermophilic and mesophilic anaerobic stabilization, sludges after aerobic stabilization, sludges from grease separators, and wastes exported to the WWTP will be selected as tested sludges.
In addition, the presence of ARG and SARS-CoV-2 virus in the Prague sewer network will be monitored in localities selected with regard to the type of settlement and potential sources of infection.
Updated: 17.9.2020 13:27, Author: Lucie Pokorná

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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