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Digital Twin of Water Recycling Technological Units


The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic


6. public tender by Ministry of Industry and Trade - TREND


01/2023 – 12/2025

Investigators at UCT Prague

Project partners

  • Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, v.v.i.
  • VDT Technology, a.s.
  • Mezinárodní bezpečnostní institut, z.ú.

Project goals

The aim of the project is to develop and test a simulation tool for monitoring and control of reuse technologies using a digital twin for existing pilot-plant technological units for treated municipal wastewater reuse at WWTP Brno-Modřice. The innovation includes the implementation of advanced sensors, the creation of a digital twin of pilot-plant units, and the creation of variant self-learning algorithms for steady state and dynamic behavior simulation.By correlating the monitored variables, we will achieve create soft sensors for pollution monitoring and simulation of reuse efficiency, which will allow us to predict and minimize risks for reused water applications according to EU Regulation 2020/741. The output will be a digital twin module integrated into a comprehensive reuse technology solution

Updated: 25.1.2023 14:50, Author: Lucie Pokorná

UCT Prague
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166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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